Being able to recognize tacit assumptions and analyze them critically is essential to distinguish between real problems and assumed ones. Following 4 clear steps rather than jumping to conclusions is a basic problem-solving skill. These steps are useful to engage creativity to find win-win solutions that safeguard relationships with the people involved.
This module offers a broad range of learning opportunities. It starts with sharpening awareness of the limitations of human perception, and conveys a simple methodology for problem-solving that can also be applied to conflict resolution.

This module is recommended to prepare for the module on problem-solving using the PDCA methodology.

Your objective is to

  • Learn to distinguish between tacit assumptions and real problems
  • Learn a simple methodology for creative problem-solving that can also safeguard relationships

You will learn how to

  • Recognize the pitfalls of human perception
  • Use 4 simple steps to distinguish between assumed and real problems and solve the latter
  • Use the the 4-steps methodology to solve problems while focusing on win-win-solutions
Course Is It Really a problem? Basic Problem-Solving in 4 Simple Steps


  • From 2 to 4 hours
  • Times to be agreed

Who Should Attend

This module is open to anyone. No prerequisite required.

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