How to Boost Motivation and Productivity While Using Time Effectively

Meetings are often perceived as a time-consuming obligation that takes time from real work.

The purpose of meetings is to improve collaboration among stakeholders through sharing information about ongoing projects, solving issues, developing strategies, setting goals, etc. Because meetings are often perceived as a waste of time that could be used in a much more productive way, this training course was developed to ensure your meetings will be effective.

In this targeted short-term training course, you will learn how to organize meetings so that they are truly effective and productive.

Your objective is to

  • Focus on what is most important in your meetings
  • Increase the commitment of the participants
  • Achieve tangible and measurable results

You will learn how to

  • Prepare effective meetings
  • Create a realistic, productive agenda
  • Create action plans that produce tangible results
Course Leading Effective Meetings


  • 4 Hours
  • Times to be agreed

Who Should Attend

The course is designed for managers, SMEs, employees and/or anyone who wants to lead effective meetings.

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