In this module, you will discover how customer satisfaction can be an important management tool to initiate a continuous improvement process by measuring the extent to which customer requirements are met with respect to a certain product or service.
You will also learn how to identify customer expectations in order to create and deliver quality services, measure customer satisfaction, and monitor progress systematically.
To this end, you will learn to use the Gap model developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry. The self-assessment process also enables you to increase the level of involvement and awareness of human resources through increased communication and dissemination of a quality culture.

Your objective is to

  • Put and keep customers at the centre of your activities.
  • Strengthen awareness and understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction.

You will learn how to

  • What customer satisfaction stands for.
  • The importance of customer satisfaction for the cost-revenue relationship.
  • How customer satisfaction affects your corporate image.


  • From 4 to 8 hours

Who Should Attend

This module is intended for executives, managers, salespeople, front- or back-office staff and, in general, anyone who is in contact with (potential) internal and/or external customers of the organization.

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